Excel formulas are powerful tools that allow users to perform calculations, manipulate data, and automate tasks within spreadsheets. Here are some commonly used Excel formulas:
TEXT Function: It formats a number as text using a specified format. For example, =TEXT(A1, "mm/dd/yyyy") formats the date in cell A1 to display as month/day/year.
LEN Function: Calculates the length of a text string. For instance, =LEN(A1) returns the number of characters in cell A1.
TRIM Function: Removes extra spaces from text, except for single spaces between words. For example, =TRIM(A1) removes excess spaces from the text in cell A1.
ROUND Function: Rounds a number to a specified number of decimal places. For instance, =ROUND(A1, 2) rounds the value in cell A1 to two decimal places.
COUNTIF Function: Counts the number of cells in a range that meet specific criteria. For example, =COUNTIF(A1:A10, ">50") counts the cells in range A1 through A10 that contain values greater than 50.
SUMIF and SUMIFS Functions: Adds the cells specified by a given condition or multiple conditions. For instance, =SUMIF(A1:A10, ">50", B1:B10) sums the values in range B1 through B10 where the corresponding value in range A1 through A10 is greater than 50.
IFERROR Function: Handles errors by returning a specified value if a formula results in an error. For example, =IFERROR(A1/B1, "Error") divides the value in cell A1 by the value in cell B1, and if an error occurs, it displays "Error".
DATEDIF Function: Calculates the difference between two dates in days, months, or years. For instance, =DATEDIF(A1, B1, "d") calculates the number of days between dates in cells A1 and B1.
RANK Function: Assigns a rank to a number in a list. For example, =RANK(A1, A1:A10) determines the rank of the value in cell A1 within the range A1 through A10.
HLOOKUP Function: Searches for a value in the top row of a table or range and returns a value in the same column from a specified row. It's similar to VLOOKUP but works horizontally.
INDEX and MATCH Functions (Combined): INDEX returns the value of a cell in a specified row and column of a table or range, while MATCH searches for a value in a specified range and returns its relative position. When used together, these functions allow users to perform powerful lookup operations that are more flexible than VLOOKUP or HLOOKUP.
PI Function: Returns the value of pi (Ï€), which is approximately 3.14159. For example, =PI() returns the value of pi.
NOW Function: Returns the current date and time. For instance, =NOW() displays the current date and time.
INDIRECT Function: Returns the reference specified by a text string. This function can be useful for creating dynamic references to cells or ranges. For example, =INDIRECT("A1") refers to cell A1.
OFFSET Function: Returns a reference offset from a starting cell or range by a specified number of rows and columns. It's commonly used to create dynamic ranges or perform calculations based on variable positions within a sheet.
IS Functions (ISNUMBER, ISTEXT, ISBLANK, etc.): These functions check the content or characteristics of a cell and return true or false. For example, =ISNUMBER(A1) checks if the content of cell A1 is a number.
TRANSPOSE Function: Transposes rows and columns in a range, converting rows into columns and vice versa. For instance, =TRANSPOSE(A1:B5) transposes the data in the range A1:B5.
CEILING and FLOOR Functions: CEILING rounds a number up to the nearest multiple of significance, while FLOOR rounds a number down to the nearest multiple. For example, =CEILING(A1, 5) rounds the number in cell A1 up to the nearest multiple of 5.
NETWORKDAYS Function: Calculates the number of working days between two dates, excluding weekends and specified holidays. For instance, =NETWORKDAYS(A1, B1) calculates the working days between dates in cells A1 and B1.
WEBSERVICE Function: Retrieves data from a web service using a URL. This function can be used to fetch live data from the web directly into Excel.
MATCH Function: It identifies the position of an item in a range. For instance, =MATCH(A1, A1:A10, 0) looks for the value in cell A1 within the range A1 through A10 and returns its position.
LOOKUP Functions (LOOKUP, HLOOKUP, VLOOKUP): These functions search for a value in a range and return a corresponding value from the same position in another column or row. They differ in their lookup orientation: LOOKUP works with a single row or column, while HLOOKUP and VLOOKUP work horizontally or vertically, respectively.
COUNTBLANK Function: It counts the number of blank cells within a specified range. For example, =COUNTBLANK(A1:A10) counts the blank cells in the range A1 through A10.
SUBTOTAL Function: It performs various aggregate functions like SUM, AVERAGE, MAX, etc., while ignoring other SUBTOTAL functions within the range. This function is useful for summarizing data.
IFERROR Function: This function helps manage errors by replacing them with a specific value or message. For instance, =IFERROR(A1/B1, "Error") calculates A1 divided by B1 and displays "Error" if an error occurs.
ADDRESS Function: It returns the cell reference as text, based on a specified row and column number. For example, =ADDRESS(1,1) returns the cell reference for the first cell (A1).
RAND Function: It generates a random number between 0 and 1. For instance, =RAND() produces a new random number each time the sheet recalculates.
ROUNDUP and ROUNDDOWN Functions: ROUNDUP rounds a number up to a specified number of decimal places, while ROUNDDOWN rounds down. For example, =ROUNDUP(A1, 2) rounds the value in cell A1 up to two decimal places.
TODAY Function: It returns the current date. For instance, =TODAY() displays today's date.
IFNA Function: Similar to IFERROR, IFNA handles #N/A errors specifically, allowing users to specify a value or action if #N/A is encountered.
HYPERLINK Function: It creates a clickable hyperlink to a specified web address, document, or cell within the workbook. For example, =HYPERLINK("https://www.example.com", "Example Website") creates a clickable link to "https://www.example.com" with the displayed text "Example Website."
TEXTJOIN Function: This function combines text from multiple ranges or strings, separating the items with a specified delimiter. For instance, =TEXTJOIN(", ", TRUE, A1:A10) joins the text in cells A1 through A10 with a comma and space between each item.
N Function: It converts non-numeric text into a numeric value. For example, =N("123") returns the numeric value 123.
DAYS Function: Calculates the number of days between two dates. For instance, =DAYS(B1, A1) calculates the number of days between the dates in cells B1 and A1.
SUBSTITUTE Function: It replaces occurrences of a specified text within a string. For example, =SUBSTITUTE(A1, "old", "new") replaces "old" with "new" in the text in cell A1.
LEN Function: Determines the length of a text string. For instance, =LEN(A1) returns the number of characters in cell A1.
DATEDIF Function: Calculates the difference between two dates in years, months, or days. For example, =DATEDIF(A1, B1, "Y") calculates the difference in years between dates in cells A1 and B1.
IRR Function: Computes the internal rate of return for a series of cash flows occurring at irregular intervals. For instance, =IRR(B1:B10) calculates the internal rate of return for the cash flow values in cells B1 through B10.
PERCENTILE Function: It returns the k-th percentile of values in a range. For example, =PERCENTILE(A1:A20, 0.75) calculates the 75th percentile of values in cells A1 through A20.
EOMONTH Function: Returns the last day of the month before or after a specified number of months. For instance, =EOMONTH(A1, 3) calculates the date that is three months after the date in cell A1.
NPER Function: It calculates the number of payment periods for an investment or loan based on constant periodic payments and a constant interest rate. For instance, =NPER(B1, -C1, D1) computes the number of payment periods for a loan.
CHOOSE Function: This function returns a value from a list of values based on a specified index number. For example, =CHOOSE(A1, "Option 1", "Option 2", "Option 3") returns the value corresponding to the number in cell A1.
GROWTH Function: It calculates predicted exponential growth by using existing data. For instance, =GROWTH(B1:B10, A1:A10, C1) predicts future growth based on historical data.
T Function: This function converts its arguments to text. For example, =T(123) converts the number 123 to text.
IRR Function: Computes the internal rate of return for a series of cash flows occurring at regular intervals. For instance, =IRR(B1:B10, C1) calculates the internal rate of return for the cash flow values in cells B1 through B10, with periodicity specified in cell C1.
RANK.EQ Function: Returns the rank of a number in a list, with tied rankings handled by assigning the same rank. For example, =RANK.EQ(A1, A1:A10) returns the rank of the value in cell A1 within the range A1 through A10.
ADDRESS Function: Generates a cell reference as text, based on specified row and column numbers. For instance, =ADDRESS(2, 3) returns the cell reference for row 2, column 3 (C2).
FIND and SEARCH Functions: These functions search for a specific text within another text string and return the position of the first occurrence. FIND is case-sensitive, while SEARCH is not. For instance, =FIND("find", A1) finds the word "find" within cell A1.
COUNTA Function: Counts the number of non-empty cells within a specified range. For example, =COUNTA(A1:A100) counts the number of non-blank cells in the range A1 through A100.
DATEDIF Function: Computes the difference between two dates in days, months, or years. For instance, =DATEDIF(A1, B1, "M") calculates the number of months between dates in cells A1 and B1.